Achievements that will require complex tasks to be performed by the player. They may have rewards.
Statistics that will show exactly how many times a player performs a simple task (such as how much damage the player has dealt).
Rain and snow will be implemented and certain biomes will be periodically raining or snowing. Other weather effects such as lightning will also be implemented.
Lightning directly hitting a pig will turn it into a zombie pigman.
Players and mobs walking through snow will produce snow particles around their feet.
Grass on the sides of blocks will be fixed to reflect the correct biome it is in.
Trees will drop fewer saplings.
Spruce and Birch saplings will be implemented in-game.
Water current strength will be back to normal.
Ladders with gaps will no longer be climbable.
When crafting a ladder, you will make two ladders instead of one.
Power Rails and Detector Rails.
"Allow flying" server setting, anti-fly hack protection when it's disabled.
Occlusion Culling can be enabled or disabled.
Minecarts will also act as "lava boats"
Video of weather:
But yottabyte, what will happen to the server!
As for Kiwike, we will stay on patch 1.4 on the main server until Bukkit has updated and all plugins are confirmed working.
If you wish to keep playing on the current map make sure that you choose not to update Minecraft!
We will be hosting a 1.5 vanilla server on if you wish to test out the new features with other Kiwikians!
(04-19-2011, 01:53)Android Wrote: Grass on the side of the blocks, like bettergrass?
Naw, like the little grass you see on the edge of grass blocks will actually change color depending on biome now. Earlier only the top texture changed color.
Tomorrow? really? i really cant wait for the achievements the first thing im going to do is jump of a cliff while on a pig!(SSP) i have 4 saddles and my main base is on a cliff...
You should always make a backup of your minecraft file beforehand. As for auto update, there should be an options button from which you can turn off auto update.