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Griefed on test world
04-24-2011, 23:57,
Post: #1
Griefed on test world
Me and my friends decided to update and play on the test server. Well we built a fort, well kinda. Inside of the walls we built a wooden house in which we kept everything. What happened was, first, someone still almost everything of value. Then we lived on and realized our stuff was gone but there was nothing we could do about it. Later however AKVbeats poured lava on our house and burnt it to the ground. All I am looking for is for him to be banned. I didn't see it or who did it but my friends did and chased the griefed throughout the world for almost 10 minutes. Please ban him so he does not greif anymore.
04-25-2011, 00:03,
Post: #2
RE: Griefed on test world
Since we don't have any logging whatsoever and no mods either it's really hard to moderate the test server.

We haven't set up any rules for it either so I'm afraid there's not much I can do about it.

If you post screenshots or something that proves his act I will ban him on the test server though.


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