Hello. Welcome to my guide to
How to protect your chests.
In most SMP servers, a lot of people will steal your things if they can, there are many different ways to protect your chests, today I'm going to show you mine that I use on most of my chests.
![[Image: 2444bxy.jpg]](http://i54.tinypic.com/2444bxy.jpg)
Say this is your awesome house in the middle of nowhere, if someone stumbles across it and looks in this obvious chest, they can take all your stuff
easily bad idea, don't leave your valuables in obvious show.
![[Image: i554w6.jpg]](http://i53.tinypic.com/i554w6.jpg)
You want something like this, something not too valuable, but something so they'll hopefully take it and go away.
![[Image: 2sabafq.jpg]](http://i54.tinypic.com/2sabafq.jpg)
You'll want to hide your real chest underneath/to the side or somewhere close by so you can access it but they (hopefully) won't find it unless they tear your whole floor apart.
How to protect your secret chest.
![[Image: rmvgna.jpg]](http://i56.tinypic.com/rmvgna.jpg)
Dig a small hole out for the redstone wiring.
![[Image: 2pqo0b4.jpg]](http://i56.tinypic.com/2pqo0b4.jpg)
You'll want to place a redstone torch on the side of the block behind your chest wired up to an inverter, then that inverter can lead to your trap, whatever it is, in the picture I used TNT but you can use lava traps, dispensers, basically anything that can be activated by redstone, they you can just seal it all up.
Tell me your feedback on this tutorial, tell me if it was understandable and if there's anything you don't understand, feel free to PM me or post a comment.
I might make more tutorials like this in the future if I get good enough feedback.