Is there going to be a height to ground-speed factor? So that flying higher up results in faster speeds (like IRL) to demo ship seems painfully slow, even for a zepplin
I soooo want to make a nice little airship, fully furnished and big enough for like 6-8 people, and go explore the wilds, just let the ship sit on autopilot in one direction, and stop as needed for photos and such
1024? D: I have twice that amount of wool DDDD: Well this sucks. Make it like 10,000 blocks. You have to realize yotta, most people that make ships wont be capable of getting enough wool to make a large one, maybe around 10 people will get enough to make a ship that large.
Oh, just did the math... I have roughly 3,776 blocks of wool. So I could make a ship using around 6,000 blocks.