Hello There, Guest!
12-23-2010, 14:39,
Post: #1
I'm don't know too much about the jobs aspect of the server but I suggest that we give certain important role playing jobs to active members. Not just the average shopkeeper but for example, I really want a job that I'm assigned to and that no one else is a professional at it like exploring, where my job is to go out as far as I can and find landmarks that no one has ever seen. Also, I made a post in the ideas topic in the Admin section saying how we should make large gold deposits to make gold rushes that aren't planned. This would add a great sense of realism and that is what I'm seeking to get from this server. To add onto my wanted job specifically, maybe there would be 2 main groups of say 5 people. These groups would start at the main town and would work their way out in different directions. Our objective is to find gold deposits as all of the ones near the spawn 'dried' up. Our secondary objective is to load the map so that mapping system we have on the website can load more and then the entire community can see what we've discovered. Each group of five would have 1 leader and 4 followers that are carrying extra supplies. On their way, they would set up camp for night to hide from mobs and leave their camp in the early morning. I noticed that there were a few towns on the outskirts of the main nation and those would be an ideal place to make last minute stock ups on supplies. As for landmarks, the explorers could name them if they seemed significant enough. They would buy their supplies from the local shops and be on their way.

Hopefully something like this happens. I would love to be one of the group leaders if it does.
12-23-2010, 18:11,
Post: #2
Re: Jobs
Jobs cant be added all around the server...... they might be added in a certain town if the mayor wants but not in the whole server because people must be free to do whatever they want and this wouldnt be kiwike server but kiwike Clan  Sad
12-23-2010, 19:50,
Post: #3
Re: Jobs
I didn't go into much depth on the fact that everyone had to be assigned a job but I think they should. They get the freedom of choice but if we all want to co-operate, than as a community we must work together. Also maybe it would be possible for the mods and admins to give out certain, more important jobs and labels. I think that is where I was going with the explorer kind of job.
12-24-2010, 06:34,
Post: #4
Re: Jobs
I enjoy working by myself, for myself in this game. I wouldn't want to be assigned a job. I feel like it would stifle the freedom this game is built on.

Besides... jobs are for real life.
12-24-2010, 07:30,
Post: #5
Re: Jobs
I agree on the fact that jobs are for real life.

Back on the actual topic...

It's more of a community in which you get to do what you want and offer your services to others as needed. Of course, that's mainly with commodities such as cobble or wood. If you want other players to join you in your cause, usually asking or setting up something with your town allows you to get that done as well.
12-27-2010, 01:30,
Post: #6
Re: Jobs
That's why it's called RP - you have to do something by yourself, think and act. Scripts won't do everything for you Smiley If you're in a tribe that do roleplay for really - you will need only creativty, that's all.

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