The purpose of this game is to put down and guess quotes...
-1 person will put down a quote...(hopefully not too hard...something somewhat universal)
-the quote can be from a movie, famous person, actor, game, tv show..etc...
The person who puts down the quote must tell if the person guesses right about the quote's origin...whether it be from a specific person to a tv show, to a movie, etc...
- whoever guesses correctly get to put down the next quote and continues...
In the Case that nobody can guess the quote, after 5 guesses the person who posted the quote must give the answer and the next person to post gets to put down a quote and everybody gets to guess...
I would suggest putting down hint(s) for people to guess it easier if its hard to guess...
I guess i shall start off the first qoute and we can continue until sombody guess or after 5 guesses...^_^
[glow=red,2,300]"Maybe the helicopter, maybe its made of chocolate..."[/glow]
Hint: its a Valve Game
Good Luck Peoples ^_^ ------->

smiley face
"You're Tenacious like Bull...Plz hold" :D<br /><br />This commercial is hilarious:<br />