Hello There, Guest!
Kiwike: Revamped
11-27-2011, 18:28,
Post: #81
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
Lol Hoiafar.

Onto the Wiki!
What is going on right now is a complete wipe of OOC pages that are not in UserSadName). You can recreate those OOC pages at your UserSadName) page. All (Name) pages, such as Cerce, will have the information that is OOC taken out of them, and the rest left there.

Now, when revamped is released, we will wipe the character pages of all Kiwike 2.0 information. Again, going to use Cerce's page as a reference. He has some good lore on his page, and only a little bit about 2.0 on it. We wouldn't like that whole page to go to waste and have him retype it, no? Well, information will be taken out accordingly.

As for the Kiwike 2.0 pages themselves, such as towns and all. They will be archived and locked upon release, for viewing purposes only.

More updates to come, and remember, this may change on a short notice.
11-27-2011, 18:34,
Post: #82
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
Well, it appears the post has been edited. Hooray!

11-27-2011, 19:01, (This post was last modified: 11-27-2011, 19:04 by Cerce.)
Post: #83
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
(11-27-2011, 18:04)thornax Wrote: You all say that you want the lore from the old server transferred over? Well how about this, droid said that all the server (lore and land) will be stored deep in the kiwike archives. Let's create those archives!! Let's say that all the characters have had children and their children have had children. That way people can still be that same character because they could say that they've followed in their grandfather's footsteps. As for the lore, We make a giant dungeon (we will need alot of signs), and somewhere deep in the dungeon..... (pause for dramatic effect) WE RECORD THE LORE!!!! and when a party of adventurers find it... a lost generation of war peace and arguements will be RE-RELEASED across the land of KIWIKE!

I'm Cerce Tentones and I approve this message.
Oh - and PLESE TELL ME BEFORE YOU WHIPE MY WIKI POSTS! I stayed up all night about two days ago writing my lore and such.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."
11-27-2011, 19:06, (This post was last modified: 11-27-2011, 19:07 by Crazylol5.)
Post: #84
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
I did not wipe anything. I moved everything to the correct pages.
Your OOC information is now in User:Cerce and your IC information was delted from there, but is still intact in ''Cerce''.

[Image: 1fhaqh.png]

11-27-2011, 19:07,
Post: #85
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
Oh, I see what you did. Thanks, Crazy! Didn't understand how you changed it.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."
11-27-2011, 19:11, (This post was last modified: 11-27-2011, 19:11 by Cell.)
Post: #86
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
Yeah, when I said Wipe of (Name) pages, I didn't mean we where getting rid of the information, just moving it. And by we, I mean crazy.
11-27-2011, 19:13,
Post: #87
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
I'm ok with someone doing something like "The Great Library of Kiwike" with archives of old lore, that could be talked about IC in Revamped. I shouldn't be saying too much though, as I'm not responsible for the lore part.

11-27-2011, 19:27, (This post was last modified: 11-27-2011, 19:30 by Naamandre3.)
Post: #88
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
As official spoke person from the moderator team, or at least lore-wise.

I'll try to explain as much as i can, without revealing anything that would ruin future experience.
Seeing the 'lose' role play ties we had in kiwike 2.0 we now have several organizations, guilds, people etc with there own history and there own things.
Seeing we or at least i want to have a more firm grip on the story line, and this is not really compatible with the current one. we or at least i would like to give people a blank sheet.

What that means. current events in the kiwike spectrum, ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 and even the temp server if you included that will not be in the mind of your character, seeing he never existed. Now i do not have a problem if your character has the same name age etc then the one you used before. but it cannot have the memories, it can have the same events before he went to kiwike.

Only nothing of previous kiwike. can remain. No wars happend, no plagues, no nothing
It can remain OOC, left for discussion or inspiration source, but not as motive or active memory in your character

My decision on this is final, until someone could show me why people role-play could not establish the same relation with people they already had in kiwike, only not using the same events that happened before. Is the collection of events kiwike, for yourself and not for your character not enough? or do you have some sort ideal that you cannot let go of your current character memories?
11-27-2011, 19:46,
Post: #89
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
Can we keep the same race our character had in 2.0? I never really took upon much of a race, honestly I never got too into RP, but my sister still wants to be a cat, and some people, like Doggy for instance, might still want to be a dwarf or something.
11-27-2011, 19:54,
Post: #90
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
No one cares about typos... Okay

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