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Kiwike: Revamped
11-28-2011, 08:58,
Post: #181
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
Well I'm sorry. I'm just saying I thought you had alot of friends here. You don't need to try and hurt us with legal problems. Actually, I don't know. That might of been Cerce talking. But since your helping him be torn apart I don't know who the hell I'm talking to anymore. I Tried to help and cheer you up but you just keep spitting rejection in my face. Whatever you want to do Cerce. I'm not going to stop you.

[Image: kLeN8.png]
11-28-2011, 09:00, (This post was last modified: 11-28-2011, 09:06 by Cerce.)
Post: #182
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
(11-27-2011, 19:27)Naamandre3 Wrote: As official spoke person from the moderator team, or at least lore-wise.

I'll try to explain as much as i can, without revealing anything that would ruin future experience.
Seeing the 'lose' role play ties we had in kiwike 2.0 we now have several organizations, guilds, people etc with there own history and there own things.
Seeing we or at least i want to have a more firm grip on the story line, and this is not really compatible with the current one. we or at least i would like to give people a blank sheet.

What that means. current events in the kiwike spectrum, ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 and even the temp server if you included that will not be in the mind of your character, seeing he never existed. Now i do not have a problem if your character has the same name age etc then the one you used before. but it cannot have the memories, it can have the same events before he went to kiwike.

Only nothing of previous kiwike. can remain. No wars happend, no plagues, no nothing
It can remain OOC, left for discussion or inspiration source, but not as motive or active memory in your character

My decision on this is final, until someone could show me why people role-play could not establish the same relation with people they already had in kiwike, only not using the same events that happened before. Is the collection of events kiwike, for yourself and not for your character not enough? or do you have some sort ideal that you cannot let go of your current character memories?

Naamandre. I'd like to formally put before you numberous reasons as to why Kiwike 1.0 and 2.0 need to be incorporated into Revamped in order to establish the same relationship with people they had in Kiwike.

Do you remember Kubrick? You know, the guy that introduced me to you? The one who gave you a job to fill a pond with sand to start a quarry? You never met me because you never met him. Therefore, we cannot have the same relationship in kiwike: revamped because these events cannot be duplicated.

In the example of Geckosquid: In no way shape or form can the events of the Griefer Plague be duplicated. If it was not for the Griefer Plague, Cerce would never have met Geckosquid. Therefore, we cannot have the same relationship in Kiwike: Revamped because these events cannot be duplicated.

I never met Saera because the Griefer Plague never re-occurred in 2.0.

MainDigger was never met because he was never highered to protect the castle from Tristo in the re-occurring griefer plague.

The friendship between Tristo and Cerce cannot be duplicated.

Do you not understand? Things are no longer present, nor can they ever be present, in such a way to duplicate such a friendship, such a lore, hell, such a person.
Tristo; if I could trust that nobody would use my lore in any way for their own means, I'd gladly put it back up. I'm not doing anything against you; in fact, I'll send you a PM with my full reccord, should you wish it. But for the public random bystander who decides to take up my ideas to help themselves out, no. Especially now that, according to our beloved co-leader Android and lore-master Naamandre, they didn't exist in the first place.

You know, if they had at least asked before they decided to scrap the entirety of everyone's work without anyone's consent, I might not be so enraged right now. But quite frankly I'm pissed.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."
11-28-2011, 09:07,
Post: #183
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
Gah. I'm sorry again. I don't know why I keep lashing out. I'm just going to stop posting. Sorry Cerce. My opinion will just make things worse anyways. Bye now.

[Image: kLeN8.png]
11-28-2011, 10:45,
Post: #184
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
Cerce is just taking RP a bit too serious.

You may feel like you have written thousands of words about your character in waste, but that's not completely true. People have been spending a whole lot of time in 2.0 building their towns and relationships, mines and farms. I don't see anyone else whining about that being taken away from them.

You, as a person, aren't bound to your RP character. Give Cerce Tentones a great ending to his story and start with another character in Revamped. Things can't last forever. Just get over it.

11-28-2011, 12:17,
Post: #185
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
You need to look at the positive things coming from this.
For me, these include.
-New Plugins
-New Start
-New World
-Android can't bother me about leaving Helvanthar anymore! Laugh!

The list goes on and on.
11-28-2011, 13:55, (This post was last modified: 11-28-2011, 13:57 by Naamandre3.)
Post: #186
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
You are taking this the whole wrong way cerce.
The first point of role-play is to play a role. Now all roles end one way or another, one day or another.
This also brings up a second fact, because everybody plays a roll but all the persons behind the mask stays the same, it is very likely the same friendship made in kiwike 2.0 will be remade one way or another in kiwike revamped.

You write, because you want people to read it. now people can still read about cerce they are free to do so. only his story ends with 2.0
And then you write anew. i for one do not see the problem with this. i have had multiply characters throughout my life with little or huge histories. And i enjoyed them all the same cause i roleplayed. not because i wrote 10 a4 pages of history to accompany it. No its only as fun as the people you do it with.

You are not throwing away anything.
its free to read, its still accurate, people will know about it.
Only there characters do not know about it.

Now seeing people are having quite the questions bout revamped.
And the lore and roleplay aspect we are taking. I'll take this up to yotta to see if i can make a Q&A topic somewhere on the forum.
To give you people reactions to your question, without giving any of the to be told experience away
11-28-2011, 14:19,
Post: #187
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
What Naamandre said. RP is not only about creating a character, it's also about making OOC friends and having fun. If you didn't do this in 2.0, I'm sorry but you missed out.

The part where you remove all your texts from the site is a pretty bad move in any way possible. You can't put copyright on texts that you, yourself have uploaded to our servers. That would be outrageous, imagine someone uploading their video to youtube and then sueing youtube for hosting their video. See what I'm getting at? Now, I'm not going to stop you from removing it, but it would be more fun for everyone if you left it. Future players are able to look into the past RP of Kiwike and get inspired from reading your stories. What's the fun in removing everything and keep it to yourself? Just my thoughts.

11-28-2011, 17:38, (This post was last modified: 11-28-2011, 17:39 by geckosquid.)
Post: #188
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
Well, now that I've stepped back and looked at it... This is a great time to end these characters. Maybe the fact that they've been through so much is a reason to take it all away.
And Yotta, he removed it all.

11-28-2011, 17:43,
Post: #189
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
(11-28-2011, 17:38)geckosquid Wrote: And Yotta, he removed it all.

Doesn't matter. There's plenty of other work out there for inspiration. Work made by other hard working and dedicated players, who are fine with our decision.

11-28-2011, 17:58,
Post: #190
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
New map! Wooooot! <333


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