(12-02-2011, 17:59)asdfasdflkjty911 Wrote: As long as there are different levels of locks I'm ok. Locks that are harder and easier to get into, and one that is enchanted and is impossible to get into.
As-far as i know we do not have different levels of locks.
We are currently, debating and testing out other ways of adding less and more secure way of locks. But we already have a system inplace which makes it hard(er) for a thief to pick a lock.
Rest secure knowing you stuff will not be stolen overnight when you sleep. (or that is the current plan)
(12-02-2011, 18:33)yottabyte Wrote: Is VIP plot = private plot? Then yes, they will be in.
Cell, that's exactly what we want. Like the McRoberts thing that RobertF had going. You will be able to rent/buy plots in all towns in your nation.
VIP plot is a plot only you is able to edit. and the town/nation leader.
Not other people of your town.
Which pretty much allows them to use cobble blocks to protect chests again. Or we like dicussed elsewere.. add the rule
And by a private plot according to me.
Is a plot that you just build a house on? and other people can also edit?