Good Afternoon Kiwike!
I'm not entirely sure if the news has spread but we've lost a very good friend of ours, Hoiafar, who has just recently resigned. In light of 1.2's eminent release, and quite frankly, Revamped's, we're looking to expand the team to compensate. Along with this exciting announcement, it should be known that we're looking to add
Wiki Moderators as 'full time' staff members. Yes, this means that Crazy may finally gain some recognition! We're looking to work in full cooperation with the community to make Revamped the best it can be.
In short, we're looking for potential Game, Forum,
and Wiki Moderators. As well as these, we're looking for people to double as Media Specialists that would be able to help us with various advertisements such.
Please follow the application below and be sure that it is sent to
both yotta and I.
Note: Media Specialist is a position to be given only to one who is already a moderator, so you must choose them in tandem
Quote:Minecraft Username:
Forum Username:
Time Zone:
Which position are you applying for? (GM, FM, WM, MS):
What makes you think you deserve this position?:
Thank you for lending me your attention!
- Android