umm So i am banned for unrp killing attempt? which seems odd.... i do not know why this is happening other then i did mistake someone near the inn one day and hit them ONCE. I was mistaken and said sorry gave them some bread and items to heal themself with and was on my way. So that got me banned?
He tried to open a chest and accidentally miss-clicked and hit him once. But what dont get is that crash is charged for actual killing and he gets 9 hours, while skote accidentally hit someone and gets a day. just wondering about the logic there.
Well I SUPPOSE I can lift the ban. You do know with all the tension around the server and the wars going on between nations (AND THERE AREN'T SUPPOSE TO BE ANY NATIONS AND FULL OUT WAR YET), we took it as a serious attempt.
Its like i fell down the stairs landed on someone say there ankle broke and i get charged and go to jail but someone who kills a family gets half the time