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Giratina Ban Appeal
05-05-2012, 21:20,
Post: #1
Giratina Ban Appeal
Banned for "Continued rule breaking and ruining player experience" Poker face

Seriously, are you actually saying that? Please explain.Suspicious
05-05-2012, 21:23,
Post: #2
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
Are you sure in not just because he is good at raiding, and got your stuff What
05-05-2012, 21:25,
Post: #3
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
I'm getting those vibes too. [Image: 2-12-09-mind-reading.jpg]
05-05-2012, 21:29,
Post: #4
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
Okay, this is the most ridiculous ban I've ever seen - ever consider that you're ruining his player experience?

If he's breaking actual rules it's one thing, but to ban him because he's an incredibly good PvPer and he raids RP enemies of his extremely well is absolute bullshit. If this ever happened to any of you other players (don't try to pull the 'I would never raid that much' card) you would call bullshit in five seconds flat.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

[Image: britgif.gif]
05-05-2012, 21:35,
Post: #5
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
(05-05-2012, 21:29)Crashlander04 Wrote: Okay, this is the most ridiculous ban I've ever seen - ever consider that you're ruining his player experience?

If he's breaking actual rules it's one thing, but to ban him because he's an incredibly good PvPer and he raids RP enemies of his extremely well is absolute bullshit. If this ever happened to any of you other players (don't try to pull the 'I would never raid that much' card) you would call bullshit in five seconds flat.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Why ban someone because they are good at playing the game? Giratina has made some mistakes, but nothing worth a Permaban. He was accused of X-Ray, but was proved innocent. He has done nothing to deserve a ban.

05-05-2012, 21:36,
Post: #6
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
(05-05-2012, 21:35)NLewis Wrote:
(05-05-2012, 21:29)Crashlander04 Wrote: Okay, this is the most ridiculous ban I've ever seen - ever consider that you're ruining his player experience?

If he's breaking actual rules it's one thing, but to ban him because he's an incredibly good PvPer and he raids RP enemies of his extremely well is absolute bullshit. If this ever happened to any of you other players (don't try to pull the 'I would never raid that much' card) you would call bullshit in five seconds flat.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Why ban someone because they are good at playing the game? Giratina has made some mistakes, but nothing worth a Permaban. He was accused of X-Ray, but was proved innocent. He has done nothing to deserve a ban.

This. Now the staff is just looking for ways to ban him because they don't like him. I've been told "we don't like him" by the staff.
05-05-2012, 23:03,
Post: #7
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
Bannable Offence 1: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...t=giratina - Metagaming.

(Possible) Bannable Offense 2: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...t=giratina - 'Griefing' (still not sure on verdict)

(Possible) Bannable Offense 3: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...t=giratina - 'Non-RP Kill' (Still not sure on verdict); also general disrespect towards players through use of mockery in post

Bannable Offense 4: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?tid=3029&page=2 - Disrespecting Admin in thread, and not following 'Admins are Always Right' rule

(Possible) Bannable Offense 5: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...2#pid43062 - General disrespect of other players and administration (see his concurrent posts, calling people 'imbeciles' and the like)

(Possible) Bannable Offense 6: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...4#pid43784 - General disrespect of other players (telling players to go to hell, and calling them a 'crew of losers')

Bannable Offense 7: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?tid=3167&page=2 - Raiding after it was decided that the Southern Coalition would not be allowed to raid anyone for some time, as well as general disrespect during the course of the thread (generally trying to spread the blame anywhere but on himself)

(Possible) Bannable Offense 8: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...3#pid45163 - General disrespect of other players.

Bannable Offense 9: Although I HAVE NO PROOF IN THIS CLAIM, I do remember that the first time Giratina saw me online, he messaged me asking me a couple of questions. We got to talking, and he decided to tell me that I would be smart to stay on his good side. I asked him if that was indeed a threat, and he said that I would be stupid to go against him, because he had previous experience with PvP and raiding. I told him that I don't value 'material' objects, nor do I fear loosing my life - both IRL and IG. He then called me an idiot, and logged off.

Bannable Offense 10: He seems to break the 'Don't be a douchebag' rule a lot.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."
05-06-2012, 00:01,
Post: #8
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
(05-05-2012, 23:03)Cerce Wrote: Bannable Offence 1: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...t=giratina - Metagaming.

(Possible) Bannable Offense 2: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...t=giratina - 'Griefing' (still not sure on verdict)

(Possible) Bannable Offense 3: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...t=giratina - 'Non-RP Kill' (Still not sure on verdict); also general disrespect towards players through use of mockery in post

Bannable Offense 4: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?tid=3029&page=2 - Disrespecting Admin in thread, and not following 'Admins are Always Right' rule

(Possible) Bannable Offense 5: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...2#pid43062 - General disrespect of other players and administration (see his concurrent posts, calling people 'imbeciles' and the like)

(Possible) Bannable Offense 6: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...4#pid43784 - General disrespect of other players (telling players to go to hell, and calling them a 'crew of losers')

Bannable Offense 7: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?tid=3167&page=2 - Raiding after it was decided that the Southern Coalition would not be allowed to raid anyone for some time, as well as general disrespect during the course of the thread (generally trying to spread the blame anywhere but on himself)

(Possible) Bannable Offense 8: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...3#pid45163 - General disrespect of other players.

Bannable Offense 9: Although I HAVE NO PROOF IN THIS CLAIM, I do remember that the first time Giratina saw me online, he messaged me asking me a couple of questions. We got to talking, and he decided to tell me that I would be smart to stay on his good side. I asked him if that was indeed a threat, and he said that I would be stupid to go against him, because he had previous experience with PvP and raiding. I told him that I don't value 'material' objects, nor do I fear loosing my life - both IRL and IG. He then called me an idiot, and logged off.

Bannable Offense 10: He seems to break the 'Don't be a douchebag' rule a lot.

That's all fine and dandy but none of those "disrespect" bans are worth a perma-ban. The staff is corrupt. Yotta and other staff have said that he didn't xray but that they don't like him so they're going to ban him. Notice how no staff have responded?
05-06-2012, 00:26,
Post: #9
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
I tried to respond, something happened.
A) A lot of people are angry about Giratina, and he's been a nuisance with his "PvP over RP" idea
B) Metagame is constant with him
C) He does break rule 1 a lot
D) We'd rather lose him than the RPers whose experience he's destroying
E) A PvP server is much better suited to him than this is
F) Many mods agree this needed to happen
G) Who told you he didn't Xray? The proof exists, and the mods that disagree that he Xrayed are few
H) This is Yotta's server, he makes the rules. If he dislikes a guy enough to ban him, that'd be fine. That isn't what this is, but it's not "corrupt"
I) If you dislike the staff so much, why are you here?
J) He's been disrespectful and arrogant
I) Metagame
J) Metagame
K) Metagame
L) Did I mention he metagames?
That's all I can think of

Leech: Moderating the wiki for over 75 years
[Image: QZj44.gif]
05-06-2012, 00:37, (This post was last modified: 05-06-2012, 00:42 by oranges44.)
Post: #10
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
So you expect to have a professional server through the built - structure of "We can ban whoever we want"? Bans are supposed to be fair. Not out of dislike. On HG I can't ban random people who seem like idiots , just because it's practical for a professional server to not work that way.

Not to mention , If I wasen't good at PVP at all. None of you would suggest I think that way. It's just because you know my background that you're making up reasons to justifiy this ban. Simple as.

Did you know most of the mods are also biased in this sense? Mhm. And no. Please explain how I'm destroying peoples experience through rightfully raiding? You're just being unfair in that sense just because you're a victim of that exact 'crime' So what we have here is you guys claiming I'm ruining you're experience? Just because you like how it's so peacefully orientated because without me you can easily conduct raids back. And you know that's the only damn reason you care Leech.

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