Greetings warriors of Kiwike!
We have decided on when the first war time will take place in Kiwike 2.0.
The war time will last from 19:00 to 01:00 CEST tomorrow.
That is Sat Apr 16 19:00 CEST
till Sun Apr 17 01:00 CEST
CEST is central Europe time er.. GMT+2 if you want to convert the times.
Basically 16 hours after this post.
All towns in non-neutral nations will have their protection removed and may be griefed at any time. You have been warned players.
If you as a nation leader want to join the war, use
/nation set neutral off
If you want to keep your towns safe and not take part of the war you can use
/nation set neutral on
Please note that this will be the first war and things will probably not go 100% as expected but bear with us!