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Kiwike 2.0 - One week later
04-15-2011, 21:31, (This post was last modified: 04-15-2011, 21:35 by yottabyte.)
Post: #1
Kiwike 2.0 - One week later
So one week has passed since we officially launched Kiwike 2.0.
I decided to give a little status update about what's going on! But first, lets look back at our first week.

What's been happening the past week!
Kiwike 2.0 launched last Friday, however, we had massive lag issues. I let the server run over the night (launched in the evening) and then took it down on Saturday to run debugging.
Debugging went well and we soon found out what had been causing it: BigBrother. With BigBrother disabled we launched the main server again and everything was much smoother.

As we launched the main server again, people traveled in all directions to get started.
It didn't last long until the two big nations, Helvanthar and Vikings started fighting and with failing town protection and no logging plugin active all hell basically broke loose.

Global chat was getting really spammed the first weekend so we decided to add the chat system from 1.0. This really reduced chat spam and everyone appreciated it.

I also added a RP forum section and the rp channel in game for the dedicated role-players.

We reached the max slots on the server on Sunday night and player slots were raised to 50 on Monday.

I believe it was Tuesday that we installed a new logging plugin, LogBlock, which is really clean and silent and doesn't create lag at all. People were thankful as we were able to rollback big parts of Eyvind which had been griefed.

I also found the source to the town protection not working on Wednesday (?) and fixed that ASAP.

There was also another issue faced the first week. Our customized map for some reason did not generate any cacti, flowers, reeds, pumpkins or mushrooms (or made it really really rare). As a quick fix I expanded the map from 5000x5000 to 5500x5500. These items are now really rare on the map but can be found on the borders. I do have some ideas on how to integrate these items better but that's for the latter part of this post.

Also, there seems to be an issue where the server gets really bad lag after about 16 hours of being online and the only solution right now is restarting it or else it will completely freeze.
Our solution to this is restarting the server a couple of times per day manually. This has been working pretty good for now but since I don't always have access to SSH we are adding another solution. We're soon adding automatic restarts every 3 (?) hours.

The server clock was 3 hours off too, so I took the server down for a couple of minutes today to change it.

Stuff added this past week is:
  • LogBlock for block logging
  • HeroChat for chat channels
  • HeroicDeath for death announcements (brings lols)
  • Expanded map
  • Fixed Towny protection
  • More slots

Next, the future and what's going on!

I have the entire next week off so there's going to be lots of stuff done.

We're making it so when you right click a grass block lit by sunlight there is a small chance of a flower or pumpkin being created.

When leaves decay or are destroyed, they can drop apples and chocolate beans. (Cookies!)
This will probably also include a chance of mushrooms being spawned under decayed leaves. (Yay, autumn!)

Instead of setting your home randomly, your home will be set when using a bed. You will then return to your bed when using /home. Yay for better integration with the game

All these plugins are going to be unique for Kiwike! Awesome smiley

That's all I have planned for now!
Thanks for playing on Kiwike 2.0! We already passed lots of servers in popularity which is really awesome.

04-15-2011, 22:04,
Post: #2
RE: Kiwike 2.0 - One week later
Love Kiwi Plants....great Idea!

-Master Stone Cutter-
-The Roadbuilders-
04-15-2011, 22:33,
Post: #3
RE: Kiwike 2.0 - One week later
Yay Cocoa Beans! Yay plants! Yay mushrooms! Wait.. I HATE MUSHROOMS!
04-15-2011, 22:34,
Post: #4
RE: Kiwike 2.0 - One week later
It was one great week!

Like to join a cool city who is soon growing out to the second biggest city of Helvantar? And has order and rules?
Join Venezia: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?tid=511
04-16-2011, 09:36,
Post: #5
RE: Kiwike 2.0 - One week later
Great news yottabyte!

I really love the thing with the leavedrops. This should be included to vanilla minecraft.

But one question: how big is the chance to create a pumpkin/flower/whatever? Possible to spam?


Mayor of Sargoth
04-16-2011, 19:36,
Post: #6
RE: Kiwike 2.0 - One week later
(04-16-2011, 09:36)R3dBuLL Wrote: Great news yottabyte!

I really love the thing with the leavedrops. This should be included to vanilla minecraft.

But one question: how big is the chance to create a pumpkin/flower/whatever? Possible to spam?

Rose is 3/25 chance
Yellow flower 3/25 too
Pumpkin 1/25.

Have to make an official post about it too Tongue

04-17-2011, 17:14,
Post: #7
RE: Kiwike 2.0 - One week later
Yotta, I noticed there are boots and shrooms falling from trees as well as all the other things. Is this a secret thing or did you just forget to mention it?

04-17-2011, 23:46,
Post: #8
RE: Kiwike 2.0 - One week later
(04-17-2011, 17:14)doggypwn Wrote: Yotta, I noticed there are boots and shrooms falling from trees as well as all the other things. Is this a secret thing or did you just forget to mention it?

Ah yes, the shrooms spawn under decaying leaves kinda like in autumn although they can't stay placed when the light levels are too high which means they detach after some time.

The boots was just something I did for fun like an easter egg Tongue

04-18-2011, 14:23,
Post: #9
RE: Kiwike 2.0 - One week later
The drop rate of apples is very low but the rate of the cacao beans is very high in my oppinion. Wouldn't it better to have apples more common and cacao beans less common? I have 2 stacks of cacao beans and not a single apple. Sad


Mayor of Sargoth
04-18-2011, 14:25,
Post: #10
RE: Kiwike 2.0 - One week later
(04-18-2011, 14:23)R3dBuLL Wrote: The drop rate of apples is very low but the rate of the cacao beans is very high in my oppinion. Wouldn't it better to have apples more common and cacao beans less common? I have 2 stacks of cacao beans and not a single apple. Sad

It depends on what biome you are in! Hotter biomes drop cocoa beans while plains and such drop apples. Travel around the world to find a place where apples grow Smiley


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