Hello there Kiwike
Hello there Kiwike.
I'm André
I live in the Netherlands and am 18 years old.
Been playing minecraft for a while now and have been looking around and hopping from some servers for a while now to see where i can settle. This server caught my interested and i hope to settle in nicely here.
Don’t know what you guys would like to know about me out side of minecraft so, this are the minecraft perks i have.
* Reasonable with Redstone
* Experienced builder
* Adapt miner
* I fail in combat
And since you guys are also into role-play i'll post my role-play char here to!
Characters name: André Ashdown
Characters age: 25
Appearance: A fairly long muscular Person having a small beard. He often wears a simple shirt that doesn’t mind getting dirty, and some easy pants that dont rip easily to when down in the earth.
Skills: Excellent miner, Able to Smelt things very well Reasonable with Redstone, Able to Build a house and even make it look fancy. Not the dumbest person around thus also able to bargain abit.
Race: Human
Bio: He has no idea where his family came from, and doesn’t really care to find out. What he does know is that his Father was a miner, and his mother a smelter, and their parents were that before them to. So he was introduced to Mining and Smelting on a very young age, When his parents brought him some redstone to play with as a child he got obsessed. making small things at first but soon making their house some easier by wiring the door amongst other things. Now 25 he is alone, his parents both dead due to a collapse in a central mineshaft. He tries to make his way settle somewhere, find work, a wife perhaps, and a home to live.
PS: I hope to get whitelisted soon. Seems there were some problems according to the main MC forum.
Hope they'll get sorted! Thanks in advance André