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Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
05-08-2011, 17:10,
Post: #11
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
Well its mostly used just to travel and like stand, not to like style or something =) also if u worry about that too much. You can always build something like a baloon that doesent have a front
05-09-2011, 04:52,
Post: #12
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
First off, I would love this plugin. It sounds, looks, and im sure is amazing!

Honestly I doubt there will be much SERVER lag, it may seem laggy on the boat/ship but that'd be just the actual vehicle moving.

Also, the ports in the cities (Giant towers where they can port up to) would have to all be one way, so that those ships will dock the right way, or I guess just ports in all 4 directions on the one main spot. As well as a set number of how wide they should be so people can still dock. Just a typical number like they can be 10-20 blocks wide to be capable of docking in a normal city port. Of course that city can implement their own port for say their own defensive ships or unique ships they make.

Also, this would make a great idea for a medium sized city that floats around. Thatd be cool, like the old city in WoW, I forget the name, if you played it youd know what I was talking about, it used to be the main city in Wrath of the Lich King. I dont know I think itd be cool to see a city that is a trade city, it moves around to diffrent places. A cool Roleplaying atmosphere would be there too.

05-09-2011, 10:04,
Post: #13
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
Yeah the city ur looking for is Dalaran and also, It does not create server lag infact there is no lag just when u move with the ship it seems like you lagg but you get teleported along with the ship each time u click.
05-10-2011, 01:09, (This post was last modified: 05-10-2011, 01:10 by Pwol.)
Post: #14
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
This is a amazing idea and would make the server 10 times better

Just think of all the roleplay it adds to the server... you can have:
Freight Transports
Battle cruiser Airships (Personal Favorite )
Passenger carriers
Even people that want a moving home
The list goes on

We need this in the server.... it will be great!!

05-10-2011, 04:02,
Post: #15
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
I like this... I like it a lot! Can't wait for Yotta to come to his senses and add this in. Although the airships move in on direction, I'm sure the RP and gameplay value far outweighs the fact that the 'nose' of the ship doesn't turn when the direction changes.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."
05-10-2011, 07:17,
Post: #16
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
People aren't responsible enough to have this plug-in. The server would be littered with crap in the sky and I don't even wanna think about the griefing that would happen.

On a very small server among friends this might be fun. Doesn't seem practical here. My 2cents

-Master Stone Cutter-
-The Roadbuilders-
05-10-2011, 16:18,
Post: #17
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
(05-10-2011, 07:17)Kubrickb Wrote: People aren't responsible enough to have this plug-in. The server would be littered with crap in the sky and I don't even wanna think about the griefing that would happen.

On a very small server among friends this might be fun. Doesn't seem practical here. My 2cents

As I said before, I think there should be a building somewhere in spawn. THAT You have to go to and buy a license for the type of airship or ship like size and stuff for gold. And also people have to mark their ships with a sign saying its theirs and who's it is.
05-10-2011, 18:13,
Post: #18
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
Kubrick has indeed brought up an interesting point.... I dunno. Maybe the pros outweigh the cons, maybe not, I'll leave it up for the mods and Yotta to decide. Not my server, after all.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."
05-10-2011, 19:52,
Post: #19
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
(05-08-2011, 16:51)Android Wrote: But they don't turn, it looks weird.

In Minecraft, everything looks wierd..

You are now breathing manually.
05-10-2011, 21:51,
Post: #20
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
My suggestion to make this doable would be setting a time limit an airship or boat can stay out of a port. Something like 2 days would be reasonable and after this time they would be destroyed so they wouldn't be scattered everywhere plus the license idea is pretty good that would double the effectivness and make it so there weren't random floating airships or boats. and that's my suggestion.

[Image: eJw9ijEKQjEQBfuc4l1AwUjSK4iNYKFgvZpVA8kG...MDAC7V.png]

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