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In the quarantine zone
05-09-2011, 03:56, (This post was last modified: 05-09-2011, 03:58 by sharpeggio.)
Post: #1
In the quarantine zone
((This is my first time applying Role-play into a minecraft server, so i'll be honest with you, i'm throwing roleplay at a wall, and seeing what sticks))

((This is a little excerpt of my character after the thieves city was discovered.))
How could you have been so stupid?! my conscience echoed off the cube of my head.
At least you could have turned around....now look what's happening! Sir Suba dunked into the Thieves entrance, silently, without a word. He looked at me, and i stared back at him. Ohhhh man, what was i going to do...?
Wait, what? He just went down the stairs....did he not see me? Instinct grabbed hold of me. I took some wood and plugged up the stairs...that wouldn't hold him for long....I can't escape, it's too dark out, and I swear there are jockeys out there...

I holed myself into the wall...
Ping! a light broke through the crude dirt wall. Suba was looking at me.
"Um....hi?" I said nervously, my head was pounding blood into my brain, like a cornered animal trying to get away.
"Hi!" He replied, seemingly unfazed and oblivious.
I whispered to my friend. "Is Suba supposed to be here?"
"No....what happened?"
"He's in here."
"Damnit, he's not part of the guild. Leave, I'm going to set up traps."
Suba already left down the stairs again. Not good. Not good at all.
Should I kill him? That would give me away. What should I do? This is not good at all. Panic stricken, i couldn't just leave my friend down there, who knows what could happen?
-Beep- SirSuba forgot to Stop, Drop, and Roll -Beep-
Oh god, so much relief.
Wow, thanks for pointing it out. This is bad.
"HEY We need to get out NOW."
I took some possessions from the city,and hit the glass. The deed was done.
Crawling out of the city, i thought to myself. I have got to be the STUPIDEST thief ever...why did they accept me?I'm probably going to get expelled...
I blacked out. ((my internet died Tongue))
I'm back at my place. Oh my god, such relief. Well, our city's a no go now. We need to find a new habitat. a new home...somewhere, but where?
"Hey, Matam, how's fyrstone?"-NLewis.
"Um...good, why?" Well that's weird, why would he want to talk to me about it?
"Just wanted to check it out, are you there? I'd like a tour."
I should have watched out. I should have known. I should have HIDDEN. But i didn't. Like an idiot, I met them on the bridge. I took pride in my town. I built it with my own hands, damnit....
They hit me their. Something sharp hit my back, and i fell in the water.
Wha, wait, what happened? "What did I do?"
"You know what you did."
"What, i didn't do anything."
"The forums, we have proof."
Wait, what? Oh no....my name, WHY DID THEY GIVE OUT MY NAME................
This isn't good. "You will be tested in court."
I couldn't do anything, I was stuck. They had diamond swords, i had leather boots.
I followed them. They took everything. They took my house, they took my life, what else could they want? They've pushed me past the limit of abuse. What kind of justice system is this?
A different kind of darkness overwhelmed me. Anger, hatred, REVENGE. But I won't let it take hold of me...not yet.
In that quarantine, it was close...so close...so tempting....I almost lost my mind in there. I blacked out several times too. But what could I do?
I'm innocent. My "contributions" that they allegedly accused me of were off and wrong. Stealing? Hell no. I only saw, and came and went. I only went to the city once, and that was out of sheer curiosity. The stupid blockhead soldiers who follow orders like sheep can't tell the damn difference. They are blind. Like the rest of the justice system.
I won't stand for this, though. This, is MY life. I won't let them ruin it...
I'm in a cave right now, writing this to anyone willing to listen to my plea. I've lost everything..... I haven't done anything wrong. All I did was observe and tell.

This, is my testimony. This, is my argument to the unfair, biased, and prejudiced system of justice run by Cornerstone.

((Just a writing practice for me, but quite true nonetheless.))
05-09-2011, 04:21,
Post: #2
RE: In the quarantine zone
((well writen post))

*NLewis starts writing a letter directed to matam.

Dear Matam1,

The Cornerstone Empire would like to invite you for a court hearing sometime during this week.

We are sorry for the way we handled things in quarantine but we do not tolerate theives well.

Please follow up with a returning letter if you receive this message.


*NLewis seals the letter and sends it on its way.
05-09-2011, 04:33,
Post: #3
RE: In the quarantine zone
There are so many run down buildings...are these all from nomads?
Looking at the new letter, a feeling of disgust flooded through me.
"Court system? Court my ass...." But what could I do? I'm going to at least try to get my stuff back...
I don't know if i can make it to court, seeing that I black out very often, i don't think a scheduled trial will work. Can we put this on the newsboard and let citizens discuss it?
matam sends the letter back from whence it came.
05-09-2011, 06:10, (This post was last modified: 05-09-2011, 06:12 by geckosquid.)
Post: #4
RE: In the quarantine zone
*A seagull swoops past you, leaving behind a small slip of paper. It reads:*

Greetings. I have caught wind of your current predicament regarding your expellation from the Knights of Dusk and the publicizing of your involvement with the group. I, too, went through this, and I share your anger. If you do end up being banished from Cornerstone, I would like you to consider joining my town, New Rapture. It exists within the ocean's cold embrace, and welcomes all. I assure you that you would not be judged within its glass halls. I wish you the best of luck with your troubles, and hope that you will consider my offer.

With all sincerity,
Mayor of New Rapture

05-09-2011, 23:19,
Post: #5
RE: In the quarantine zone
"I'm going to think on my own, for awhile..." Matam muttered out as he wrote the response on the back of the neatly rolled paper. Using the last amount of his ink sacs from killing squids, he attached the response back to the seagull, and let it fly away.
"That's the most contact I'll be having from humanity..." He said. turning his back towards Mavenholm, Matam headed west for a new place to live.
05-09-2011, 23:35,
Post: #6
RE: In the quarantine zone
((Looks to be good... I'll be watching to see how your first rp comes out.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."

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