05-05-2011, 20:12,
Diamond Miner
Posts: 574
Threads: 21
Joined: May 2011
Ashdown's Journal
Day 1.
This if as far as the traders would take me.
Mavenholm was the name of the city, it has a thick wall and a merchant district in the centre.
Where I was left to my faith.
I spend most of my day looking around the city, seeing if i met someone of interest. I found nobody tho.
The city has four gates, but only one of them seems to have a direction towards another one the rest seemed empty, might be just colonized land then meaning there will be enough ores for me to find and sell!
Day 2.
Its morning now, spend the night in what seemed to be a inn. Heading west, west-ish I saw no building on the horizon. So lets go.
Day 4.
After about a day of walking and collecting some wood I made some basic tools, and found a suitable place in a mountain were I can start to make a temporary home and start mining something.
Day 7.
I found some basic ores, enough to make me better tools and even impress some of the people I want to join. I want to settle somewhere eventually. I also looked around the place I build my home, to see if there was something interesting.
I found a abandoned outpost, or it seemed abandoned. And found a chest with bricks, which I took. I hope its abandoned..
Day 9.
Came back to that abandoned outpost still saw nobody so I’m holding the brick. Thanks previous owner. Now I gathered some supplies I’ll most likely go back to that big city Mavenholm or something. And then take the road to that civilization.
Day 12.
Reached the city again. Took all the things I could hold and found valuable, I found some pigs underway and eat there meat raw, it tasted as you expect it would. And will cook it next time for sure, but I needed it. Now following the road to see where it takes me. I wonder who build the roads they seems in a good shape.
Day 15.
Reached a small town, it had a metro system in it. I took a car and went away. Lets see where it go’s they have more towns then I suppose. Cause I met no-one here, even tho it seems to have people living in it
Day 16-19
This system is huge! Way bigger then we had at home, it go’s on for miles and miles! Someone I met told me it most likely go’s on for 2000 blocks! 2000! I mean 2000! Do they have machines for that? Or all by hand, if so what a working force. I’m curious on what I’ll find.
I’ve seen 3 of four towns now, even into an empire way in the north Cornerstones empire. No people tho, almost a void of life.. perhaps there hiding for me?
Day 21
Decided to go to back to the city, I should put a add up see who responses to it. Perhaps someone who needs a miner. I should arrive there in a day
(Sorry for the big chunk in once! but i wanted to start from the beginning)
05-06-2011, 17:30,
Diamond Miner
Posts: 574
Threads: 21
Joined: May 2011
RE: Ashdown's Journal
Day 22.
I found a response to my advertisement.
Someone who is a contact person from Newhaven and the roadbuilders.
I replied to meet him in the inn, i wonder how it turns out.
Day 23.
I am now officially on my way towards New haven, The road should be long and i packed everything i might need and most likely more. The person i met is Pete or that is how he introduced himself as the contact person in training of the Roadbuilders. I got him to tell me something about the roadbuilders and its history.
Day 24.
the next lines are mostly written in a shaking pattern Its freezing cold here, we've been on a journey for a day or two now. moving through some snow, i need to get used to it. But my guide tells me we'll be there soon.
somewhere down the page is another entry
I arrived in Newhaven got a tour and got to meet the Master or Major of the town. I forgot his name, so till i get a chance to re ask it i'll just refair to him as master. He also told me my wager and needs to appoint me to a job. I hope it'll be something i am used to like mining.
Interesting way to do it, tell your wager first, without giving a job. But I'm not complaining its a start. I get to stay at the inn. a small room but better then the sky above my head. Wonder what the next days will bring.
05-12-2011, 12:07,
Diamond Miner
Posts: 574
Threads: 21
Joined: May 2011
RE: Ashdown's Journal
Probally a week or two after the last entry.
I've been busy in Newhaven, busier then i thought.
I was assigned to a job, draining a lake. draining a lake, mad people.
But.. i should get on with it i guess.
I went to see the location its massive! They are really insane.
All for some strange stones.. insane i tell you. but it pays, it pays.
Day 3 of Lake draining.
Process go's faster then i thought and the end is coming in sight.
Hell of a job tho, my back hurts, sand everywhere cause we use that to drain the lake to.
I got to talk some more with Kubrick and Pete about roadbuilders and other things tho.
I might join them.
Day 6.
Were done! i tought this was it, but now they want to level it to bedrock! all way to the core!
Are they insane.. but still, pay is pay and i am getting introduced to being a roadbuilder soon.
Also i started working on a building near the lake seeing as i felt like building something after destorying so much.
Day 10.
Done with the building, and off to mavenholm to see some.
I dont feel like being stuck for long, i'll be back in New haven soon to, everybody is talking about some expedition to the east.
I better prepaire
06-05-2011, 16:39,
Diamond Miner
Posts: 574
Threads: 21
Joined: May 2011
RE: Ashdown's Journal
Day.. 30?
Days flew by as far as i know.
things have changed, evolved and died out.
its with a heavy heart as a write this, but there is nothing i can do about it.
The beutifull town of Newhaven is Empty, its people sick, or gone