Re: Keep old map, continue on new?
The only problem I have is we are not prepared. When we where supposed to change maps we where going to have v 2.0 ready. We planned on having everything neat but everyone has things everywhere around spawn. If everyone wants to restart I say get all the plugins first, have a spawn area where no one could build except those that are givin the privilege to, and atleast get the basic idea of v2 out there so we know how building tows will work. And Cilph you just joined recently, and for you to say everyone is building there own cities, they have there own reasons and the freedom to do it. It wont be a city unless it is succesful and approved. That means 5 people have to join it. More cities means more activity, which means more RP. And i beleive v2 said they were adding a huge RP to v2.