Note: Before you post in this thread I want everyone to know that this thread is fully on opinions and such. I had made a thread earlier semi-similar to this but I had an even better idea (at least it my mind) that could help even more. This thread is only made for opinions, there is no need for any hate, spam, or flaming.
Fellow people of Kiwike. I feel you all agree that our server is quite good when it comes to mod support, meaning, that we have a great team of mods and admins. They always help when needed, they are respected, and they help make Kiwike feel more of a home. Understanding this, maybe its time for a new Admin on the server? And when I say Admin, I mean someone like Android. So out of the list of mods that we have right now, who do you think is most suitable? Who would you like to see as an Admin of Kiwike?
Since I was the one who made this thread, I will not vote.
[SMALL EDIT]: Mods, please do not vote, I don't want you voting for yourselves.
Also I decided to vote now that a bunch of people have voted now.