RE: APPLY NOW FOR "The Diamond at [Your town here]!"
Total Costs of Plots: 20 gold (mainly for expansion, none for profit)
Population of Town: 9 people
Combined Size of Plots: 32 x 32 (expandable by 10 gold per 16 x 16)
Number of Subways: 1 (Nearby NetherRail to Bludwick)
Number of Major Roads: 1
Value score for your town based on the above info (assume the desirability factor is 5): 1000
Any other reasons why your town is awesome and should be selected: We have a huge, underground airship hangar, huge mansion under construction, rapidly expanding population and size, easy nether access, peaceful status, inexpensive plots, lots of potential space, inexpensive materials, prices are negotiable, friendly hand-picked loyal citizens.
See you Soon!
Enjoy New_Grand.