RE: APPLY NOW FOR "The Diamond at [Your town here]!"
Total Costs of Plots: 0 for VIP
Population of Town: 20
Combined Size of Plots: 32x32, More if needed (They are in a section where there is nothing built yet, not even roads so there is plenty of room, max being 64x32)
Number of Subways: 1 (Quick nether connected to Azure and Bludwick)
Number of Major Roads: 0 (Gonna try to connect it to the walkway going north soon)
Value score for your town based on the above info (assume the desirability factor is 5): Dont wana do this math. <3 So ima just say... 1,000,000
Any other reasons why your town is awesome and should be selected: Its the capital of the most awesome nation ever, Tullius, and we have lots of awesomeness here. Not to mention Kiwike games being here, soon a giant rave island where I will have get togethers for the server, and all kinds of other cool stuff!