RE: Declaration of Mutual Defence
I regret to inform you that I will no longer be able to help you in your endeavors. I have already gone too far in trying to get into Nova; and it's obvious that I might go farther next time. I hate, hate, hate backign out on a friend in need. But I've already failed at what I came to do; and that was defend Azureglade with as little violence as possible. Instead, I (accidentally, mind you) TNT'd the side of Nova, trying to blow a two block hole in the wall to get in and find out information so as to better determine a defence. I'm sorry to have failed you. I guese this is the epic fail for Cerce. Let the laughing commence at the hypocrit.
~Cerce Eugene Tentones
I regret to inform you that I will no longer be able to help you in your endeavors. I have already gone too far in trying to get into Nova; and it's obvious that I might go farther next time. I hate, hate, hate backign out on a friend in need. But I've already failed at what I came to do; and that was defend Azureglade with as little violence as possible. Instead, I (accidentally, mind you) TNT'd the side of Nova, trying to blow a two block hole in the wall to get in and find out information so as to better determine a defence. I'm sorry to have failed you. I guese this is the epic fail for Cerce. Let the laughing commence at the hypocrit.
~Cerce Eugene Tentones
"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."