OK, then... How about this: Cerce (Eugene Maria Danielson) Tentones (the character in Kiwike 1.0/2.0/temp servers) formed Cerantia. The Griefer Plague re-emerged somehow, whiped out the Cerantian Empire, and nearly killed Cerce (Eugene Maria Danielson) Tentones. Cerce fled Kiwike, and returned to Sarkom to liberate the people and instruct them in the name of the One. XXXX number of years later, old documents of Cerce (Eugene Maria Danielson) Tentones are recovered by his desendant, Cerce (Darthaniel Lena Corvan) Tentones, telling of a strange land to the far West and South. The distance and exact direction is unknown (if you read the origination of Cerce, it states he was lost in a storm at sea for four days), so he heads in a general Southwest direction, and ends up in Kiwike: Revamped (which Cerce (Darthaniel Lena Corvan) Tentones will call 'Kiwike', thinking it's the original continent that Cerce wrote about, but mixing it up for this new one).
Does that satisfy you?
Oh: And the reason for the three middle names is a Sakromic tradition. The first middle name is the great-grandfather (to preserve their name and have it be remembered), the seccond one is the mother's name, and the third one is the father's name (to pay homage to those that brought them into this world). Just a little tidbit of lore
"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."