Cerce, I may not be as hard core of an rp player as you, nor would I ever understand the depth of how you take your role-playing seriously, but you, andy, tris, Main, Suba, Gecko, Pwol, Nlewis, the whole lot of you had made it a rich experience for this not-so-much-role-playing player. Like many others, I don't see how you can't bring some aspects of your old roleplay into revamped. Heck, I probably will stick to being a dragon, I can't think of my character as being any other thing. I apologize that I don't understand the magnitude of this.
But if you're truly set on leaving it all for good, then Cerce as we know him will be sorely missed. People say you are an excellent addition to the server, and I think you are too. Even if I don't roleplay as much, those few roleplaying times I ever had with you guys were good times.
And it's 2am and I should probably go to sleep already D: