Metagaming means putting something you know and magically you RP person also knows it.
Like you the person sitting in that chair, or standing behind the computer. That person.
Hears on skype from me, that i'm about to raid <town>
This means. you Kiwike characters. the person you are in minecraft.
Does not know this. Cause he has never gotten or receaved that information. Following me so far?
Now, this does not mean. you char cannot decide to go to the town to sell his recently gotten goods on the moment i decide to raid. Thats the grey area of this. But you cannot go there if you never have gone to the town before. Or suddenly end up all armed if you were there for a peacefull trading thing.
Good? Now about recruiting ingame and out of game.
As-far as my opinion go's it is not limited to minecraft, because we also have a roleplaying part of the forum.
There you could make a post stating you're minecraft character is in the inn or wandering somewhere, and ends up meeting that dude.. and so the story rolls.
But no, hey dude. feel like making a town?
Sure, thats a no-go
About stating that applications are Meta-gaming.
In a sense they are.
But, we need a tool to be able to accept or deny certain things, to be sure we can control and have towns be the things we want them to be. Or atleast, follow our set up guidelines. And weed out any towns not fitting in those. Which is why we have them. Same as the whitelist, in a way its meta-gaming. But you dont want every joe wandering around the server do you?