Hello There, Guest!
What is your taking on griefing?
03-16-2011, 03:48,
Post: #4
RE: What is your taking on griefing?
Grieving is as defined above, destroying something that was made by another player.
You MAY Tear up someones block if you are (For instance Grabbing someones Diamond/Gold/Iron block to use it).
You MAY Tear a 2x2 Hole in someones wall to get in.
You MAY Tear down someones house if it is, so to say, a threat, or ruining your game-play.(A Mod will need to clarify this with more detail.)
You MAY Remove blocks to find someones hidden chest as long as you replace it.
NO Fire whatsoever.
NO Tearing down a random house.
NO Grieving just for fun.


Read the yellow text.

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RE: What is your taking on griefing? - by Cell - 03-16-2011, 03:48

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