(04-24-2012, 00:12)StayPuff Wrote: Bowser and Riskae:
Though I probably shouldn't be saying this in this thread, but rather in a PM or a new thread, but it really seems like you guys are just mad because Ian got unbanned. Do you know why he got unbanned? Have you even thought about how he feels about this server? I'm quite positive that he regrets what he did, in fact, from what I've heard (and I could very well be wrong), Ian didn't do anything or much at all with the diamonds.
And from what I've seen from Ian he really cares about Kiwike. He did donate, he does have over 800 posts on the forums, he is a very active member of the community and has taken time out of his life to play Minecraft with a bunch of people on the internet, and THEN went through the process in getting himself unbanned for what he had done. In most cases, he would be perm banned without any review, but the attachment to the people of this community as well as the action he took to undo this wrong was enough to get him unbanned, and hopefully start off again on a different slate.
No, we are not mad at Ian, infact, ask Droid, I even told him "Wow, you should atleast unban Ian, hes donated so much". Theres more to his unbanning than you may think, so dont think hes undone it by just telling them where the diamonds were, because all of our stuff is gone already too. You cant say hes the only one that was banned here and was an active member, I too have over 800 posts, and have donated (while not on Ians level, I still have to the best of my ability (My parents hate my spending of money over the internet, making it hard to donate. And Diablo 3 LE.))
Im not going to tell everything I've heard about this, and all the people this glitch has affected, but seriously, Ians not the only big player who was banned. None of us that were banned feel anything towards Ians unbanning, sure, we want to be unbanned too, and that makes us feel a little bit more confident about it, but its still not our say.
And Staypuff, not everyone is finacialy able to do what Ian did.
So please, stay out of this, that includes you too Riskae, you guys dont really have much to say here.
As for the appeal, yeah, we did think about telling a mod, but we were under too much preasure with the raiders and everything. We knew they would keep coming back and back, so we wanted to get rid of them. Obviously they still are better at PVP, and we all still suck, but we still wanted to try. Its not like we saw this and was like "HEY LETS GO INFLATE EVERYTHING AND GIVE OUT ALL THE GOLD AND RUIN THE ECONOMY", no we just wanted to make our playing more fun, because being raided and losing all youre building materials is not fun. (regardles of age 1 or 2)
I am deeply sorry for the incident,
P.S. Guys come play the Kiwike BF3 server on Xbox:3 Conor bought one and is gonna make it the Kiwike one (If the admins are cool with that) and maybe we can have some fun siene/metro matches