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Giratina Ban Appeal
05-05-2012, 23:03,
Post: #7
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
Bannable Offence 1: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...t=giratina - Metagaming.

(Possible) Bannable Offense 2: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...t=giratina - 'Griefing' (still not sure on verdict)

(Possible) Bannable Offense 3: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...t=giratina - 'Non-RP Kill' (Still not sure on verdict); also general disrespect towards players through use of mockery in post

Bannable Offense 4: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?tid=3029&page=2 - Disrespecting Admin in thread, and not following 'Admins are Always Right' rule

(Possible) Bannable Offense 5: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...2#pid43062 - General disrespect of other players and administration (see his concurrent posts, calling people 'imbeciles' and the like)

(Possible) Bannable Offense 6: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...4#pid43784 - General disrespect of other players (telling players to go to hell, and calling them a 'crew of losers')

Bannable Offense 7: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?tid=3167&page=2 - Raiding after it was decided that the Southern Coalition would not be allowed to raid anyone for some time, as well as general disrespect during the course of the thread (generally trying to spread the blame anywhere but on himself)

(Possible) Bannable Offense 8: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?ti...3#pid45163 - General disrespect of other players.

Bannable Offense 9: Although I HAVE NO PROOF IN THIS CLAIM, I do remember that the first time Giratina saw me online, he messaged me asking me a couple of questions. We got to talking, and he decided to tell me that I would be smart to stay on his good side. I asked him if that was indeed a threat, and he said that I would be stupid to go against him, because he had previous experience with PvP and raiding. I told him that I don't value 'material' objects, nor do I fear loosing my life - both IRL and IG. He then called me an idiot, and logged off.

Bannable Offense 10: He seems to break the 'Don't be a douchebag' rule a lot.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."

Messages In This Thread
Giratina Ban Appeal - by Ian25 - 05-05-2012, 21:20
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Pwol - 05-05-2012, 21:23
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Ian25 - 05-05-2012, 21:25
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Crashlander04 - 05-05-2012, 21:29
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by NLewis - 05-05-2012, 21:35
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Ian25 - 05-05-2012, 21:36
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Cerce - 05-05-2012, 23:03
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Ian25 - 05-06-2012, 00:01
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Leech - 05-06-2012, 00:26
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by oranges44 - 05-06-2012, 00:37
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Leech - 05-06-2012, 00:44
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Leech - 05-06-2012, 00:40
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by oranges44 - 05-06-2012, 00:44
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by oranges44 - 05-06-2012, 00:47
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Leech - 05-06-2012, 00:53
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by iDieForEXP - 05-06-2012, 01:12
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Xela - 05-06-2012, 01:14
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by oranges44 - 05-06-2012, 01:30
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Leech - 05-06-2012, 01:37
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Cerce - 05-06-2012, 01:44
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Leech - 05-06-2012, 01:48
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Cerce - 05-06-2012, 01:54
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Leech - 05-06-2012, 02:01
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Cerce - 05-06-2012, 02:03
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Leech - 05-06-2012, 02:08
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by yottabyte - 05-06-2012, 02:34

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