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Giratina Ban Appeal
05-06-2012, 01:54,
Post: #22
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
I don't think that should be allowed. If people use someone else's lore, the lore is not theirs - therefore, they can not correctly portray the character as intended by the author, not to mention the fact that if they can't make up a simple story about some farmer that was evicted from his home and traveled to Kiwike, then they probably can't roleplay all that great. I'm all for having new members - but getting other people to do your work for you so that you can get into the server seems dirty to me.

I wrote Android's lore back in 2.0, and I think he may have used it - to a very small degree - in Revamped, so I am just as guilty as the next guy on this one. Regardless, it doesn't change my opinion on the matter.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."

Messages In This Thread
Giratina Ban Appeal - by Ian25 - 05-05-2012, 21:20
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Pwol - 05-05-2012, 21:23
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Ian25 - 05-05-2012, 21:25
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Crashlander04 - 05-05-2012, 21:29
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by NLewis - 05-05-2012, 21:35
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Ian25 - 05-05-2012, 21:36
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Cerce - 05-05-2012, 23:03
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Ian25 - 05-06-2012, 00:01
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Leech - 05-06-2012, 00:26
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by oranges44 - 05-06-2012, 00:37
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Leech - 05-06-2012, 00:44
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Leech - 05-06-2012, 00:40
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by oranges44 - 05-06-2012, 00:44
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by oranges44 - 05-06-2012, 00:47
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Leech - 05-06-2012, 00:53
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by iDieForEXP - 05-06-2012, 01:12
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Xela - 05-06-2012, 01:14
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by oranges44 - 05-06-2012, 01:30
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Leech - 05-06-2012, 01:37
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Cerce - 05-06-2012, 01:44
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Leech - 05-06-2012, 01:48
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Cerce - 05-06-2012, 01:54
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Leech - 05-06-2012, 02:01
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Cerce - 05-06-2012, 02:03
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by Leech - 05-06-2012, 02:08
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal - by yottabyte - 05-06-2012, 02:34

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