Art of Joke Making
Lets make some jokes, first let me show the proper form.
How to- Proper Joke structure
*A letter is delivered by a young boy, to the door of Coras*
To Coras XIV, the esteemed leader of Promethia,
In the best interest of both the nation of Den Väldig and the nation of Promethia, the leaders and influential members of Solitude have decided to offer a treaty that will benefit the both of us in the short, and long term.
In order to gain neutral relations between our two lands, and to end bloodshed, several terms have been laid out through which the citizens and leaders of both nations must follow with dedication. This we call the Honorable Tribute of the Good Act. We ensure this will halt all raids and casualties that Solitude has directed towards your towns.
-The setup
The following terms and clauses of the Act are:
- At a maximum of once a day, each civilian of the nation of Promethia must pay some tribute of value to an official of Den Väldig if asked.
- No civilians, military personel, or leaders of Den Väldig may kill any members of Promethia, unless in self-defence or in immediate defense of property.
- All enemies of Promethia are to be considered enemies of Den Väldig, and will be dealt with severely by Solitude's military.
- The civilians of Den Väldig and Promethia shall all respect eachother and be tolerant of eachother.
- Leaders of the two nations will have weekly talks to promote and establish further peace, and resolve any problems which may have arisen within the two weeks.
- A single duel-purpose temple and embassy will erected within Promethia to ensure acceptable tribute is given when requested of civilians.
-The punchline
However, an alternative is to replace the daily civilian tribute with an Arena of Tribute, and weekly presentation of a tribute on the temple's altar. The details of such, if chosen, are to be as follows:
- A tributes of diamond blocks in the shape of the standard 'iron golem' formation is to be offered weekly at the temple/embassy's altar (four diamond blocks and a pumpkin).
- A large arena is to be constructed within Promethia, and to be named The Arena of Tribute.
- Weekly fights to the death shall take place in the Arena, to be supervised by a Den Väldigian official, with public viewing access.
- Two members from each town in Promethia, selected in whatever way you choose, are to take part.
- Each participant must have on their person a gold block when entering the arena.
- At the end of the fight to the death, the victor may keep all equipment aquired through the fight, and half of the gold blocks obtained.
- The other half of the gold blocks will be given to Den Väldig as tribute.
We ask that you accept this offer, as it shall benefit all participants in the long run, and lead way to many possible further peace negotiations and treaties within other nations.
For any clarifications, please either contact us in person or write us back.
Sincerely and hopefully,
Wolby, Lewis, and the whole of Den Väldig.
(tags are additional punchlines)
![[Image: 79emb8q]]( What? (07-14-2012, 13:30)Leech Wrote: ^This guy can learn new instruments like they're nothing. I have no clue how he does it