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Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
06-03-2012, 05:42,
Post: #107
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
(06-03-2012, 05:32)Cell Wrote: Gecko, I know you said for only them to stay in this thread.

First of all, I want them to know that i'm not ranting, nor trying to get them banned for being complete douches, but rather for the rules, and gameplay. Personally, they have ruined the game for me. When i'm on the computer, i'm constantly looking for another game to play, something to pass the time rather than Minecraft. For the past two weeks I have had to hide in a hole due to me being singled out by Solitude as their number one enemy, and KOS'd on sight.

Organizing that army you speak of? Not as easy as you would think. As already said more than enough player have quit the server due to the antics of the Solitude people, and those that are still here, and stating the rules and as to why they should be banned, are those that still have hope, and still want to play the server. I want to play the server, but I don't have an option. I sit in a hole, and do nothing. I don't have a choice.

They bring the conflict that RP needs to the server? I beg to differ. Since Revamped has started, very little RP has taken place without conflict due to them. Little community projects take place, heck, I would be scared to even try to organize a community project in the fact that they would show up and kill. Don't say the "Its your fault for not being prepared, defend yourself" crap. Some of us have things to do outside of this game, work, school, and family matters. We cant be on all day unlike the majority of those in Solitude. I would love to see them gone, just to get some real RP in the server. Nearly every RP interaction over the past month has been to either organize a resistance group, or to try to make a peace treaty.

Minecraft is just a game. All of us know that, and you know what I like most in games? To enjoy them. I'm not going to sit here all day and play QWOP when it makes me want to rage. I like to have some enjoyment in the games I play, when I play them. Not a fear of hopping online to see the town you are living in being torn apart in front of your eyes, and then you murdered seconds later.

Their so called "Dictator" RP? Bull. Its just a reason for them to attack someone. They can sit there and demand a huge amount of Diamonds, Iron, or Gold that cannot be satisfied by any player at this point of time. When they demand these items for a peace treaty, they know they are going to get a firm "No.". Upon hearing this? RP reason to not have a peace treaty and to fulfill there oh so desire to PvP endlessly.

Burning of the items? Huge dick move in my case. If its just a game, why should they play it so hardcore? Isn't the point of raiding to steal and bail? What is the point of stealing anymore if you cannot carry anymore? Therefore, why should that raid continue? Oh but no, they are doing it so you wont get the items. They shouldn't even be messing with the items if they got what they came for, and their inventory is full. But yet they still run around the town for who knows how long reeking havoc.

Excuse my language, but get your god damn facts straight. You are a long time friend of mine Gecko, and I hate saying that to you. Everyone is biased one way or another, but the facts are against them Gecko, and its time for action to be taken against them. Oh, and your comment on being a direct attack of their raiding? You have experienced nothing until you are in my situation, or in Bowser's. I speak as a prime target of them, and one of that has his gameplay ruined.

Love you Gecko, but you are wrong.

Yes, hello Mr.Cell but rule 1.1 states the mods are always right. An I mistaken?

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RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co - by Pwol - 06-03-2012, 05:42

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