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Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
06-03-2012, 08:12,
Post: #163
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
(06-03-2012, 08:07)iDieForEXP Wrote:
(06-03-2012, 08:04)Ian25 Wrote:
(06-03-2012, 08:01)iDieForEXP Wrote: Hello everyone. As my character, Sahure Aenon, is the leader of the town of Eon, I would like to put in a few calm words. Eon was established early in the server's start, and has experienced everything Solitude has done in Promethia. Throughout countless minor greifs, meta-gaming with my citizens to try and get them to leave, and around 5 deaths on Sahure. I have never once complained to a moderator or admin these issues. I found it reasonable, and within rp. Which is why I joined the server. Please stop generalizing all Promethians as 'whiners, snitches, complainers, bitchers'. Now, on to the topic of the thread, Sahure had visted Solitude several times to talk with Lewis in the last couple days. Lava, asdf, Connor, Lewis were all there (Ari and Wolby may have been there too. Dont remember.) and can attest that our talks were completely peaceful and seemingly friendly. Yesterday, as I was killed by Lewis, Sahure had no clue why this was happening, no acknowledgment was given by Lewis at all. This was odd to me as I normally found Lewis willing to talk. Hell, Sahure had even had a decent talk with Octavian before he vanished mysteriously! Recently, as Solitude creeps into Sahure's life, I, William find the game much less fun. I had heard of the Solitude gangs greifing (not block greifing but player greifing before) but not to the extent that I have learned in this thread. The Solitudians in my eyes add nothing to the server except a lazy excuse not to finish Eon's walls (As bowser can attest to Tongue) What is the point of building or mining if you are going to be killed and all the resources taken? Not to mention the things you worked hard on being slowly greifed until they don't exist anymore. I'm suprised that anyone still plays super actively on this server. BUT, I have done just that and tried not to complain and followed the mods advice and tried to fight back and rebuild, but as Jerry Renault from Robert Courmier's "The Chocolate War" says after being beaten sensless by bullies, "It wasn't worth it Goob, it just wasn't worth it. I will continue to play here in hopes that justice will prevail eventually. The fact that they have all squeezed out of so many bans before amazes me. I vote that they be removed from the server.

Or you could add to the rp-experience by declaring war; which has already been done by us and Coras so you have nothing to complain about now. I'm sorry you wrote all of that.

It's completely rp that you all have declared a war. All the instances in my post are pre-declaration. And I don't believe that I was complaining, only stating things that had happened to Sahure in a non-whining manner. I don't want to start another flame war.

Ok, but one thing, this isn't a vote to remove us from the server lol.

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RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co - by Ian25 - 06-03-2012, 08:12

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