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Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
06-03-2012, 16:04,
Post: #183
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
(06-03-2012, 15:54)Crashlander04 Wrote: I'm not going to say raids should be forced upon people, or their resources should go to the most active PvPers on the server. However, if you are trying to ban Lewis and Pwol just because their characters are violent and greedy, that's the wrong reason. To say that their character ruins RP through their warmongering is simply pathetic.

Nobody ever just said, oh, Hitler is being a dick - lets just not let him play with us.

The other nations had three general options:
- surrender, be abused, but less casualties and more freedom (in the case of Denmark)
- plant your feet, team up, fight back, put an end to his rule by returning the kickass (England, USA, Russia)
- whine and bitch a lot because you can't fight worth crap (France)
(may not be utterly historically accurate, but it's a good metaphor)

Promethia (with several prominent exceptions) is generally being France right now.

The accusations of constant raiding is a matter of opinion to most extents, if you say you don't have time to build up between raids of their you really can't be working that hard. It takes an average of a half hour to mine iron armour for 4 people, and Riskae has enough diamonds stocked up in his shops. You aren't poor, or utterly hopeless - stop fooling yourselves.

Promethia supposedly has over 40 civilians - if you can honestly tell me that a group of five players can raid this massive nation to the point of having to ban then, you may want to re-access the player base you have to begin with.

In direction towards raiding without permission - the raids yesterday were based off of the listening in on an apparent plot against Solitude. If breaking into and killing the enemy leaders plotting against you doesn't count as a fitting RP/PvP situation, I really don't know what does. They were raided in return by those they killed, retaliated, and were raided several times more by individuals from Promethia, causing more raids. Sounds pretty justified to me.

For the people complaining about 'continuous minor grief', menial blocks here and there mean nothing. If it was glowstone, or glass, or something not-instantly replaceable with the most minute amount of effort it would be different - but honestly trying to remove somebody from the server permanently for it is pathetic.

Crash a ton of glass, smoothstone, ect has been removed from my town on many occasions and even wood becomes not easily replaceable when they will kill you unprovoked with no reason for trying to cut wood. And if you failed to read the first post and think I am trying to get them banned for a misplaced block or two then you need to quit arguing here as your are merely causing me to repeat myself over and over again. Crash you aren't in there town you know nothing about the raids, we had a peace treaty you can see it clearly listed in post 1, (surprise surprise have to repeat myself again) and they were not attacked by us ever during that time but still here we are again. This is not just about my town, lots of others are involved here, I do however love how you keep trying to draw the conversation back solely to my town to try and make it look like that's all they did.

Read the first post and all posts by others preceding that before trying to argue because your points have probably already been addressed.

[Image: r61bo.png]

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RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co - by Riskae - 06-03-2012, 16:04

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