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Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
06-03-2012, 17:33,
Post: #210
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
Ok, I'm going to make this quick. To the people from solitude, there is no way for us to fight back. For example, Hyperion has almost no money. We're worth about 35 GN. I've lost all of my iron due to your demanding "Peace term" requirements. And even after people have finished paying you, you demand more! That "Tribute For the Good" act was such a load of bullshit. We don't have any resources because you come everyday, kill us, raid our houses, and take anything you want. And even if you meet us in the wilderness, you still rob or mug the person, or even just plain out kill them. You people have ruined my gaming experience. Since you started constantly killing my people and friends and stealing from us, my self-esteem has dropped radically. The only reason that I play video games is to escape my shitty reality where i'm bullied, hated, and ignored by my friends and sometimes my family. It's ironic as fuck that I'm getting bullied in the place that I go to be accepted. So please, I understand that you guys want to be the best in the game, and you are right now, but you're taking it way too far.

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RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co - by Drew Coleman - 06-03-2012, 17:33

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