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Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
06-03-2012, 18:35,
Post: #220
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
One, I would like to mirror what cell said above, we are trying to get you banned for being general douche bags in and out of character. If you look at post one I addressed the way in which you RP calling you out for makings shitty RP, powergaming, ect. and I don't think I addressed hacking in the first post because without because even without that you have done far more than enough to constitute being banned from the server.

"-Once Coras finally stops the act from being to hostile we begin to act more aggressive towards them as they are challenging our power, this eventually leads to a nice rp war."

So by trying to make peace and even paying you for it we were being more hostile got it, I suppose that does pretty much sum up how you go about your RP.

[Image: r61bo.png]

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RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co - by Riskae - 06-03-2012, 18:35

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