Hello There, Guest!
Hello? Is it me you're looking for again? I damn well hope so.
08-02-2012, 17:50,
Post: #12
RE: Hello? Is it me you're looking for again? I damn well hope so.
Well Seth, Possible if iit was during 2.0 , over a year ago, and wasn't for something that would make others leave such as being a douch or griefing, and most importantly the person has learnt there lesson and why they were banned as well as proving they have done so. Then it is possible. But if someone who had just been banned a month ago, and ruined Revamped for others then no.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hello? Is it me you're looking for again? I damn well hope so. - by DjFuzz - 08-02-2012, 17:50

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