Server Wide RP Notice:
I'm setting up a little story for everyone...something small to get everyone use to the potential of RP as it relates to the rest of the realm.
I have to ask so that everyone can enjoy it when it is complete. If you come across New Haven Retreat Do not grief it. I am setting up something there that will be a lot of fun and should be replayable. I am not digging for gold or diamond so there is nothing of real value there. Everything is in plain site and I am hiding nothing....
it will take time to complete...2-4 days.
I ask that the leaders of their nations let their peeps know. I really don't wanna see this work go to waste.
This will be a Server Wide RP Event, that relates to all Nations and Nomads. You do not have to participate, but I do ask that you not ruin the potential fun this could be.
Creepers have been a big enough pain in the ass.
((i'm not gonna proof this...its late.))
I could use 1 other person to help in the construction of this adventure...someone that would like to build and collect a few resources....and someone that can spontaneously RP.
Gecko--I will be answering your IC letter tomorrow...your help on the farm is key!
-Master Stone Cutter-
-The Roadbuilders-