RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
*As Kubrick is Resting, a Very strange, Sweaty, and Seemingly tired Man comes running up, And you do not recognize him.*
*He Hands You a Letter, and Takes off running without any response of any kind, into the horizon.
*The letter Seems as though it was made in a rush, But you are able to make out the handwriting, It reads*
Dear Kubrick,
What a pleasure it would be to see you again, and to help would be an honor, but i am disappointed to tell you that i am in no condition to work.
I have heard the rumor of you wanting an employee, and thought "The least i can do is help" so here it is. I am currently in construction of my new found
town, Nosaka, and at the same time, war is approaching in but a few days. Therefor, i cannot help, and cannot send a Pup with a letter, as they are my
guardian and saviors. And what a shame it is as they have taken a fond liking of you in your time in Bludwick, but i'm getting off topic, and i need to make
this fast, as i fear war is closer then expected. Since i am in construction at the moment, i have made sure of the necessary gathering of minerals, and stone,
and with this i offer you this. For your help in Bludwick, and in Tows soon to come, I can supply you with needed resources as they are needed, wether for your
farm to come, or for future projects of yours. I am eternaly grateful for the weight you have taken off of me, and my fellow people, by building this road, as
mountain climbing has taken many of our loved ones... Therefore i give you this offer, and will supply you for as long as i can, but i must go now, and prepare
for the future.
Best of Wishes,
Narazkaly (Cell)