Hello There, Guest!
08-12-2012, 04:18,
Post: #8
RE: Inactivity
It is simply more fun. I've tried both and -->I<-- think Paintball is more fun than Airsoft. This is an important thing to note, it's kind of like BF vs CoD. Personal preferences.

Now that I've solved that, this is not a thread about either Paintball or Airsoft. And I just can't stop telling you to get back on topic.

I wish I was an insane space wizard.

sethd13 Wrote:i like misquoting people

Spammuf Wrote:I have a severe craving for gold.

Messages In This Thread
Inactivity - by sethd13 - 08-10-2012, 17:06
RE: Inactivity - by asdfasdflkjty911 - 08-10-2012, 17:28
RE: Inactivity - by sethd13 - 08-10-2012, 18:00
RE: Inactivity - by geckosquid - 08-11-2012, 05:17
RE: Inactivity - by spenboy - 08-10-2012, 18:52
RE: Inactivity - by bvcxzmn - 08-10-2012, 19:45
RE: Inactivity - by sethd13 - 08-12-2012, 00:59
RE: Inactivity - by Sir Prize - 08-12-2012, 04:18
RE: Inactivity - by bvcxzmn - 08-12-2012, 09:48

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