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Mac computers
11-06-2012, 05:33,
Post: #13
RE: Mac computers
Anyone who says Macs suck have either never used one, or is a hardcore gamer.

There is a lot more reasons to get a Mac than for gaming, and honestly, I would never buy a PC for gaming. I just can't do it. Windows os sucks so badly, I can't stand using it. I have my xbox for shooters and rpg's, I have my Mac for minecraft and rts games.

The new Macs are actually amazing for gaming, minus the compatibility issue. The hardware is all there though, they could easily run a game on all high/extreme.

With Macs your paying for something that will last. Every PC we have owned has been a piece of shit. My brother and sister both own $800 PC's, and they hate them. My sisters broke after two months of having it, my brothers got some virus and has had some harddrive issues. Then there is the OS, they have had so many stupid issues that would never happen on a Mac.

If your parents are looking at Macs, they would most certainly be happier with one. We have had Apple computers since 2001, and we still have the first 2001 iMac. You can plug it in and use it today. I'm using an almost 5 year old iMac and I can run Starcraft II/Diablo III on medium/high settings, or host a server (with 3gb) and play minecraft on medium distance at the same time.

Most people will hate on them, but really, they are not that bad. Even my video game design teacher who has skipped school to play WoW WotLK on the release day and gotten minecraft unblocked from the school wifi prefers Macs for everything besides gaming. He doesnt hate on Macs, he loves them. (Yah he got minecraft unblocked from school, and is hosting a tekkit server for all of his students from a server computer he bought a few weeks ago just for the minecraft server, what a bad ass teacher right? one downside. He gives us hard tests over java Sad

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RE: Mac computers - by sethd13 - 11-06-2012, 06:44
RE: Mac computers - by bvcxzmn - 11-06-2012, 09:09
RE: Mac computers - by yottabyte - 11-06-2012, 11:20

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