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*Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
04-19-2011, 20:03,
Post: #10
RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
While making his way from the libraries of Mavenholm, Kubrick spots an eagle fast approaching. He curses under his breath.
"If this is more road work I am blessed, but I am cursed! More Roadbuilders are needed if I am to continue to keep up with this demand." he says to the approaching bird.

After reading the letter from the New-Comer, he breathes a sigh of relief and the tension eases from his shoulders. "Since ZupZup left Haven, I have had no help at the Retreat. These two could not come at a better time." he chimes to the hawk sitting on his shoulder. "If they show the right stuff, maybe I can convince them of the nobleness of the Road!"

He uses the same parchment and simple writes.


and directions to New Haven.

-Master Stone Cutter-
-The Roadbuilders-

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RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm* - by Kubrickb - 04-19-2011, 20:03

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