RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
After seeing the advertisement in Mavenholm, Petender starts writing an application for The Roadbuilders.
Dear Kubrick of the Road,
I am Petender from the Wilds, a simple nomad living far from the lands of the big nations. Although I am save here, I seek for a simple fellowship, that doesn't fight for economical or political strength.
In the library of Mavenholm I found notes about the Roadbuilders. Immediately I knew that I would fit perfectly into this society, but I couldn't find anything from you until today, when I saw your advertisement in Mavenholm.
I see myself as an excellent member of the Roadbuilders, because I am a neutral nomad, that was never a member of a town. Moreover I am a trustworthy and very ambitious person that will work his way up until I achieved all titles and degrees.
Petender of the Wilds