Hello There, Guest!
*Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
04-20-2011, 22:34,
Post: #12
RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
While setting about the daily chores around New Haven, Kubrick receives a simple letter delivered from Mavenholm.


As the ranking member of The Order of the Roadbuilders, I would like to invite you to New Haven. There is a process to becoming a Roadbuilder and we would like very much to have you as an initiate of the Order. The first task is getting you to New Haven. Prepare your things and a pigeon will contact you shortly.

Master_stone Cutter

-Master Stone Cutter-
-The Roadbuilders-

Messages In This Thread
RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm* - by Kubrickb - 04-20-2011, 22:34

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