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Hello There, Guest!
I am ThePhonz
04-21-2011, 19:47,
Post: #1
I am ThePhonz
Hello, i was not going to introduce myself as i felt criminals don't do that, but it seems i have been sorely mistaken on the server.

I am playing a villain whos role is to steal, raid and assassinate you when you least expect it. I am the Ghost in the Wild and i can strike anywhere at any time and your only hope of survival is.... well you have no hope if i do it right. I will taunt you if you complain and i do this to encourage you to seek revenge. I have hideouts and stashes everywhere and live off of the land and your chests. I will steal from one nation and sell it to the next, cheap.

Unfortunately some people seem a little to attached to their ingame life and it would seem i have upset some of the younger bunch. Now it is clear that a few people are trying to have me banned from the game and are trying to blame every bad thing on me (that part is good i suppose, i am the Ghost of the Wild, the boogie man) as to improve my chances of being banned (not good). They are playing off every little word in the rules to get me in trouble e.g "thephonz griefed my house, he broke 2 cobblestone bricks to get in" and renaming my harmless signs so they are little bit more rude than they originally where.

I have not and do not grief. I have broken blocks in towns and in houses but only to gain access to areas and 90% of the time i replace the block i broke if i can. I see no point in random destruction. I have had the opportunity to remove whole housing areas from your towns but don't even damage even 1 side of 1 house. (other than maybe 2 blocks to get in)

I am a man of honor and these are my rules.

1. Steal everything i can.
2. Kill anybody i can.
3. Never kill the same person more than twice in an hour, if i can help it.
4. Die silently but seek revenge.
5. Don't annihilate peoples creations for no reason.

Anyway before this gets to long my last words to you all are these

Catch me if you can sukas!

Messages In This Thread
I am ThePhonz - by thephonz - 04-21-2011, 19:47
RE: I am ThePhonz - by MainDigger - 04-21-2011, 20:28
RE: I am ThePhonz - by Cell - 04-21-2011, 21:34
RE: I am ThePhonz - by MePerson33 - 04-21-2011, 23:35
RE: I am ThePhonz - by Spammuff - 04-22-2011, 00:41
RE: I am ThePhonz - by geckosquid - 04-22-2011, 13:30
RE: I am ThePhonz - by thephonz - 04-22-2011, 15:38
RE: I am ThePhonz - by geckosquid - 04-22-2011, 18:27
RE: I am ThePhonz - by fashionmonkey - 04-25-2011, 20:42

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