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Hello There, Guest!
Ban Apeal
07-30-2013, 17:48,
Post: #1
Ban Apeal
I have searched around the forums for about 10 minutes and didn't find an official "Ban Appeal" section. When I used the search function, all topics were in the "Bin" and locked. So if this is in the wrong place, sorry.

Anyways, I played on and was banned from the server about a year ago, maybe more, I am not exactly good and keeping track of time. I was falsely banned and then raged on the topic on the Minecraft forums and jumped the the conclusion that I was banned because of a "Badmin" (Bad admin). I have matured greatly sense then and decided to have a go at getting unbanned, seeing how I failed at finding another server that I like.

Here is how it all happened:
I was in my home town (I can't remember the name of it for the life of me), and I spotted an admin (Android I believe it was?) building a base, or an outpost, or something near the town. After a quick talk in chat, turns out our cities are at war. So I proceeded to sneak up on him and attack him. Sense he had far superior gear than me, I did the ol' circling trick, were I run around in a small circle around him and hit him with my sword. He didn't move around or run or anything, probably confident that he can crush me due to him having much better armour and weapon. After I managed to kill him and steal his stuff, I ran back to my town. Before I could reach the walls, I got banned for "Invincibility Hacks".

When I went to the website forums, I couldn't register for whatever reason (I forget the reason, I think something about my email? IDK) so I went to the the topic at Minecraft forums. Instead of trying to reason with him, I raged and insulted him. I was very immature and ticked off. I was never banned before. (Because that was my first server I played on, not counting multiplayer with a friend, so I was very ticked)

TLLaughR: I falsely got banned, was immature, and raged.

How did he think I was hacking? Well here is what I believe happened. As I was circling him, he was swinging his sword where he THOUGHT I was. I very well remember that the server had a small lag problem when it came to player's movement and position, showing that the player was at one point when he already moved a couple feet elsewhere. (And before going "This server has no lag!", there is no such thing as 100% zero lag servers. The lag could of been server sided, I could of been because of my end) So when he thought he was hitting me, he was actually missing. On top of that, he was wearing a pumpkin that decreased his visibility even further.

So all and all, I would ask to be unbanned. It was all a misunderstanding and I have matured greatly sense then. If needed, I could direct you towards another large server I was on (that I quit due to the server changing to something I did not like) that could vouch for me being a good, rule abiding player.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Apeal - by pxex - 07-30-2013, 17:48
RE: Ban Apeal - by yottabyte - 07-31-2013, 01:49
RE: Ban Apeal - by Crashlander04 - 07-31-2013, 15:24
RE: Ban Apeal - by pxex - 07-31-2013, 21:36
RE: Ban Apeal - by bvcxzmn - 08-01-2013, 06:36
RE: Ban Apeal - by DjFuzz - 07-31-2013, 18:13
RE: Ban Apeal - by Android - 07-31-2013, 22:53

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