RE: Towny Over-Protections
What I would hate to see is a realistic-looking treasure room turned into a labyrinth of pitfalls, TNT pressure-plates, and redstone-tripped traps. I understand the anger against the current town protection, and think that that form of protection is unreasonable in a roleplay server. However, expecting that a mini-olympic game must be accomplished before I can reach my chest for a stack of wood would (hehe, two wood's...) be highly unrealistic. There has got to be some happy medium of 'no stealing whatsoever' and 'create a 20-block-long treasure room with traps'. I think that we should go with the idea of a few protected chests in banks, as this is the only option I can see that could fit said happy medium. I know, I know, MMO's are filled with dungeon-crawlers with booby traps and treasure at the end... But I see no time in history when a regular civilian was required to create an expansive defence system to protect their meagre treasures from vagabonds. (And no, I don't hate thieves - as a matter of fact, before I chose to use 'Cerce' for this roleplay, there was another character, Odin Shadowfoot (yes, very poor last name), who I was going to use for a thief. I have high respect for thieve-related roleplay, if done right, for there are so many fakers of said roleplay who choose to kill everyone, raise a house, and exploit the system to get loot fast in the name of 'roleplay')
Also... SecuriDoor? No offence, but I don't see how that is realistic from a roleplay point-of-view (unless you consider Runescape the best roleplaying game to date... In which case, have at it).
"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."