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Defining Griefing for New Comers
05-01-2011, 04:26,
Post: #2
RE: Defining Griefing for New Comers
It has been said that Kubrick is working on a rules forum post for us all.

As for said greifing.
Grieving in Minecraft, Is as defined as breaking blocks that where not placed, or do not belong to you.
If Yotta has stated that grieving is against the rules unless that said block is placed for storage, and not decoration, etc. Then i'm am not quite sure on why you ask for more defined rules.

The current rules state as follows
"No Griefing (The war part will be removed according to Yotta and his New plugin)"

With Minecraft, Griefing is breaking blocks, as any Minecraft player would know.
The correct definition of grieving is the act of making some grief.
If that is so, then stealing is grieving, aswell as killing.
You would be grief struck if someone killed you and you have lost all your armor and items, or if someone raided your chest no?

What you are trying to get across is not really grieving at all.
What must be taught to these "Newcomers" Is the extent of grieving.
That means, just because it outside protection, doesn't mean you can just take it.
And so on.

Grieving is grieving no matter how you look at it. If someone breaks a Diamond block like stated above, i would not consider that grieving, neither would you, or Yotta, and etc.
But if people do not know what grieving is, or what it means, then, i'm not sure what to do.

Messages In This Thread
Defining Griefing for New Comers - by Reshe - 05-01-2011, 02:33
RE: Defining Griefing for New Comers - by Cell - 05-01-2011, 04:26

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