RE: A Plea for Moderation
I would simply like to say i understand that everyone is mad about there not being enough mods. however what the problem you seem to be bringing up is one that can't be controlled. to put it simply people have lives and though they have a responsibility to the server they also have a responsibility to their friends, family, school, job etc... yotta is very picky about who gets to be moderators because even though a person may be an active and good member of the kiwike community that doesn't mean they'll be good in a leadership position the same goes for anything in real life as well. so before we start complaining about needing more mods ask yourself what if something big or tragic just happened to the person? again i understand that we do need a few mods but remember not everyone who's good at leading a nation will be good at helping solve problems that are of concern to the very rules of the server. but i can agree however that new mods are needed the question then becomes who does yotta believe to be most qualified? we'll see i suppose if someone new gets picked