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Giratina Ban Appeal
05-06-2012, 01:48,
Post: #21
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
(05-06-2012, 01:44)Cerce Wrote: Honestly? I'm still mad that we let him in when someone else did his background lore work for him. Yea, I haven't voiced this before, but still - the lore and roleplay experience should be taken into heavy account before letting people like Giratina in again.

This is not a PvP server. Anyone who comes here for reasons of PvP, in my honest opinion, should - at the very least - be watched with a very suspecting eye.

I've actually written people's background stories before. They still made their apps, but their background story is mine, so it's shared

Leech: Moderating the wiki for over 75 years
[Image: QZj44.gif]
05-06-2012, 01:54,
Post: #22
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
I don't think that should be allowed. If people use someone else's lore, the lore is not theirs - therefore, they can not correctly portray the character as intended by the author, not to mention the fact that if they can't make up a simple story about some farmer that was evicted from his home and traveled to Kiwike, then they probably can't roleplay all that great. I'm all for having new members - but getting other people to do your work for you so that you can get into the server seems dirty to me.

I wrote Android's lore back in 2.0, and I think he may have used it - to a very small degree - in Revamped, so I am just as guilty as the next guy on this one. Regardless, it doesn't change my opinion on the matter.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."
05-06-2012, 02:01,
Post: #23
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
(05-06-2012, 01:54)Cerce Wrote: I don't think that should be allowed. If people use someone else's lore, the lore is not theirs - therefore, they can not correctly portray the character as intended by the author, not to mention the fact that if they can't make up a simple story about some farmer that was evicted from his home and traveled to Kiwike, then they probably can't roleplay all that great. I'm all for having new members - but getting other people to do your work for you so that you can get into the server seems dirty to me.

I wrote Android's lore back in 2.0, and I think he may have used it - to a very small degree - in Revamped, so I am just as guilty as the next guy on this one. Regardless, it doesn't change my opinion on the matter.

The thing is, we came from the same background. They still wrote their apps, but I gave them an idea of what to do. When I wrote it, it was written to allow the character to still be almost anything they wanted. But, I can see where you're coming from. People should be controlling their own RP, not having others do it for them. At least have them shape it if you're writing it. Just be putting their idea into words. Anyways, I guess this a bit off topic, so I'll say this: Gira has no reason to be unbanned

Leech: Moderating the wiki for over 75 years
[Image: QZj44.gif]
05-06-2012, 02:03, (This post was last modified: 05-06-2012, 02:05 by Cerce.)
Post: #24
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
OOOOoooh. I know what you mean. No, what you did is fine - I mean literally sitting there and making a character out of thin air just so someone can join the server. I don't know if that was what happened with Gira's lore or not. Having a shared background, or intersecting lores, or friends that carried over from your lore, is perfectly fine. Using someone's lore as a basis is also fine, if the other person is contacted for permission beforehand. I just don't like people writing lores so people can get in. That make sense?
And I agree. Gira has been a constant detriment to the server, and, although he did not explicitly break any major rules intentionally, he caused massive grief - which is the impediment of someone else's ability to enjoy the server - and was, honestly, a douchebag to many who did not agree with him.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."
05-06-2012, 02:08,
Post: #25
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
People must understand that grief is more broad than the breakage of blocks. It's more of the player's experience on the server. Breaking blocks just happens to screw with that experience

Leech: Moderating the wiki for over 75 years
[Image: QZj44.gif]
05-06-2012, 02:34,
Post: #26
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
Right guys. I think this thread has filled it's purpose.


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